Authoring Platform Update 2.4: Participant Results
February 27, 2023

Our authors are always looking for new insights to understand better how their inbox simulations are performing.
Today, we’ve released a new Results area to the Authoring Platform. Within this area, you’ll find a plethora of valuable data laid out below.
Results Page
A Results Overview page is now accessible from the left-hand navigation, assuming you have at least one participant who has gone through an inbox simulation that you’ve authored. On this page, you’ll find an overarching snapshot of usage, along with project-specific details.
Project Specific Results
Going one step further, you now have access to a Full Results page, showing a comprehensive look at each project’s user activity. This page is organized into three sections:
- Overview – A set of high-level data points, including total participant completions, the average time to complete, and average scoring information.
- Item Level – A distribution of participant responses for each email or message. This is an excellent way to review if your participants are responding as expected or if your distractor responses might be too good.
- All Scores – A table that shows scoring overall and for each skill. The values here are raw points earned, not the percentage or percentile scores you might see elsewhere.
You’ll find that the individual scoring data is anonymized for privacy reasons. We’ll be making more focused reporting enhancements in the immediate future, so be on the lookout for future updates!
Questions? As always, feel free to reach out to our team at with any questions you may have.