Authoring Platform Update 1.4: Page Consistency
November 10, 2020

November 10, 2020
Added Consistency
After our most recent updates, we spent time bringing a more consistent format across the CapsimInbox Authoring Platform. You’ll find that each page, from Skills to Administration, now follows an identical format with additional clarity on the page’s goal.
With clarity in mind, every text box within the platform should now contain sample text. In some cases, this will be an explanation of the function. In other cases, it will provide an example of what other authors may have used.
Enhanced Functionality
We’ve also identified that the PDF functionality within the Scenario page did not allow for removal. We’ve added the ability to remove any of these PDFs as needed.
Upon an author’s first login, and after closing the video pop-up, they will now see a guided walkthrough of three ways to start – with our certification course, the current Academic Advisor sample version, or starting a new version from scratch. With this context, we’ll be tracking for insight on what is the preferred pathway and what we can prioritize for future enhancement.
Additional Support
As always, feel free to reach out to our team at with any questions that you might have!