Free Capsim Webinar
How to Identify and Hire the Best Job Candidates in Half the Time

As HR professionals work to build a capable and resilient workforce, accurately evaluating a job candidate's soft skills becomes essential. But typical approaches like behavioral and situational interview questions lack the accuracy, authenticity, and objectivity to predict future performance and behavior.

In this webcast, you will learn how inbox simulations, a new customizable simulation-based assessment technology, are helping HR professionals and hiring managers to:

  • Assess a candidate's soft skills accurately and objectively
  • Reduce time-to-hire by as much as 70 percent
  • Make confident and bias-free hiring decisions based on merit
  • Create enthusiasm in strong candidates while prompting weak candidates to self-exit
  • Ensure candidates are an excellent organizational fit

SHRM Launchpad
Ready to find and hire your best candidates in half the time?

With the SHRM Launchpad, we'll help you get up and running with a risk-free pilot of your first role-preview inbox simulation in less than a week!

To get started:

  1. Check out our demo role-preview inbox simulation
  2. Use the calendar on the right to schedule your 1:1 strategy session
  3. Come to the strategy session with the job description of the role you want to hire

Watch the video below for more information about the strategy session and subsequent steps.