Uncertainty Fuels Competitive Fire
June 28, 2021

When the world feels uncertain and unpredictable, what do competitive business students do?
They compete harder!
The 2021 Capsim Spring Challenge attracted 25% more competitors from more countries to its biannual international business simulation tournament.
Yonatan Hoffman, a student of Raveh Harush at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv, won the Capstone Challenge, and Timothy Shiveley, a student of Larry Chasteen at the University of Texas at Dallas, won the Foundation Challenge.
Yonatan and Timothy prevailed over students from 22 countries, spread across six continents, who took up the challenge of running virtual, multi-million-dollar companies head-to-head against their peers for a chance to be one of the world’s top six finalists.
Real-world experience
Professor Harush said one of his students – who won a previous Capsim competition – was asked about his Capstone Challenge experience during an interview for a CFO position.
“It was a signal for his motivation and ability to push for excellence in his professional challenges,” Professor Harush said. “He got the job!”
Professor Chasteen said simulations added “real-world experience” to business education.
“The Capsim simulation is more than just a game,” he said. “Detailed data analysis is required for a winning score – there is no such thing as a ‘gut’ decision in this game.”
Keeping students engaged
Both professors said the simulation kept students connected and absorbed in the absence of face-to-face teaching.
“The simulation was VERY important during the 2020-2021 school year,” Professor Chasteen said. “We changed to all virtual classes, so the simulation was a good way to keep students engaged.”
Capsim Challenge Coordinator Cassandra Schieltz said increased participation this Spring indicated business students still have confidence in, and commitment to their career choices.
“I love to see people recognize the value of competing with their international contemporaries in our increasingly global society,” she said.
“There was also increased camaraderie between the international finalists this semester. Kevin Chan from Georgia Institute of Technology, Capstone runner-up, messaged all his rivals saying: "Good game everyone! The competition was intense, but I wouldn’t expect anything less when playing with the best of the best across the world." In the era of COVID, I find that sense of connection so important and admirable.”
About the Capsim Challenge
The bi-annual Capsim Challenge is open to all students who have completed a Capsim Simulation in their course in the last 12 months. The Spring 2021 Challenge attracted students from universities in Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, England, France, Germany, India, Israel, Jamaica, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and the United States.
All past winners are listed in the Capsim Hall of Fame at